EST. 1979
Raya se basa en una dedicación a la calidad y la innovación. Todos y cada uno de los productos se desarrollan y fabrican en Los Ángeles, utilizando ingredientes de la más alta calidad y técnicas supremamente hábiles y tradicionales. Desde su fundación en los Estados Unidos a fines de la década de 1970 (est. 1964 en Europa), RAYA Laboratories, Inc. ha evolucionado drásticamente y se ha convertido en un líder probado en el desarrollo y fabricación de productos de cuidado personal de calidad europea.
Nuestras instalaciones y oficinas centrales de producción de cosméticos de Los Ángeles, de 100,000 pies cuadrados, totalmente independientes, crean y fabrican los mejores y más efectivos productos para el cuidado de la piel disponibles en cualquier lugar, a precios extremadamente competitivos. Nuestros 10,000 pies cuadrados. Los Angeles Flagship Day Spa es el spa para el cuidado de la piel más grande de Los Ángeles y utiliza exclusivamente productos Raya en todos los servicios de la piel a diario. Nuestro éxito constante y continuo ha surgido de nuestro compromiso con la calidad, la innovación continua, la dedicación de los empleados y la lealtad del cliente.
Nuestra extensa línea de productos para cara, cuerpo y cabello es el resultado de más de 35 años de investigación continua, desarrollo, uso probado y experiencia en la fabricación de productos.
Una inquebrantable dedicación a la estética superior, así como los resultados rentables para nuestros clientes de marca privada han fomentado nuestro notable crecimiento y éxito en las últimas décadas.
Calidad de producto superior
Somos conocidos por la alta calidad y eficacia consistentes de nuestros productos, que se crean a partir de lo mejor de los ingredientes naturales recién descubiertos y tradicionales. Utilizamos los ingredientes más efectivos y puros disponibles en el mundo.
B Extractos otanical

Mezclado en gel de aloe puro
Proteínas Hidrolizadas
Extractos marinos
Exfoliantes naturales
Derivados de vitamina C
Aceites Naturales de Calidad
Hidratantes Naturales
Vitaminas Efectivas
algae, seaweed, etc.
A, B5, B6, C, D3, E, F, H, K
alpha & beta hydroxy acids, natural enzymes, etc.
sodium PCA, mucopoly-saccharides, hyularonic complex, hyroplex, panthenol

collagen, reticulin, placenta, epidermin, royal jelly, liposomes, etc.
peach kernel oil, carrot oil, squalene, sweet almond oil, etc.
Aceites vegetales súper refinados
The cost savings realized by our unique, self-reliant production methods allow us to use the finest ingredients and technology available, while maintaining the best prices in the industry.

Constant real world evaluation
of product performance
In addition to industry standard quality assurance testing, our products are real world time tested. In order to assess product performance in a true retail environment, we conduct, in our own 10,000 sq ft Los Angeles Salon and Day Spa, continuous panel studies on product efficacy and client/product satisfaction. Our time tested product quality continues to receive enthusiastic accolades from our clients, attesting to the superior quality and consistent performance of our skin care products for nearly 40 years. We supply our products to thousands of skin care salons, spas, dermatologists, and plastic surgeons worldwide.

Worldwide Factory-Direct DistributioN from los angeles, CALIFORNIA

Skin Care
Cosmetology Schools



Our efficient and independent system of operations ensures a timely and cost effective delivery of our stock products within 72 business hours directly from our manufacturing facilities in Los Angeles, California. For nearly 40 years we have been providing our products to thousands of the finest skin care salons, spas, dermatologists, and plastic surgeons throughout the United States and around the world.
advantages of OUR Private Label LINE
As your private label product source, we are committed to your success. Experts predict that by the year 2020, 75% of all cosmetics sales will be transacted via the internet. Currently, many brand name cosmetic and skin care suppliers undercut estheticians and beauty professionals by selling their products directly online or through beauty supplies stores. RAYA® private label is dedicated to protecting your profits and your relationship with your customers. Besides the impressive aesthetic results achieved with our professional products, there are many solid business reasons to use RAYA® skin care products as your primary line for retail and back bar or to add individual items to your existing line under your own name.
By using your name on the label, you are promoting yourself, not another existing brand. Instead, you are creating your own brand and securing your own business. We offer over 150 different products for you to create a complete line of your own.
By ordering private label and creating your own brand, you will not be undersold through other retail outlets, chain beauty stores, Amazon, or other online vendors.
By buying directly from the manufacturer, you are avoiding the middleman and cutting your costs literally in half. Please compare our prices with what you are currently purchasing.
By incorporating in-salon custom blending techniques, you are able to customize treatments to each of your clients' individual needs. As a result, you are better prepared to compete in the ever-expanding and diverse skin care market.

Custom blending products
In addition to offering more than 100 (stock items) high quality retail and professional bulk products, we continuously stock a professional, in-salon, custom blending line of ingredients. Custom Blending has become an integral technique for modern in-salon professional treatments. Our in-salon custom blending ingredients allow the professional aesthetician to customize any skin care treatment for a client. The custom blending line consists of a wide variety of pre-packaged, highest purity-grade moisturizing agents, exfoliating substances, biological elements, plant extracts, natural essential oils, oil-soluble vitamins, and a vast array of hard to find, super-refined natural oils.